Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Best. Birthday Present. Ever.

Seriously best birthday ever, although Quinn decided that she wanted her own birthday all to herself. We came home from the hospital today and both Quinn and Laura Jean are doing really well. We're just figuring out the routines of caring for her, but everything is quite wonderful - even the part about getting up several times in the night.

Will write more later, but for right now, the baby is sleeping and so shall we.

Mama and baby getting ready to come home from the hospital.

Dad and baby taking the new rocker for a test drive.


Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting up the pictures.

thetaaquarii said...


Anonymous said...

She's beautiful. So glad to hear everything went well. You guys are going to have so much fun!

Anonymous said...

She's precious! Thanks so much for posting the pictures. (And you look really good, too, Laura Jean!)

Jackie said...

Great pictures and happy birthday to both of you.

t said...

Quinn is beautiful in every way.

Love & Joy,

Eugene said...

woot! Awesome! happy birthday to both of you!

Rachel said...

She is absolutely gorgeous. And she looks smart, too!